Avoid Analysis Paralysis with The Process to Making Change That Lasts—Step 3: Get to Work

Practice makes perfect.

I know you’ve heard this many times before and maybe, like mine, the walls of your high school were the showcase for those motivational posters with quotes like this one.

Of course, the quotes were always accompanied by an inspiring image; more than likely, this quote would be featured with an image of a person running somewhere. (Aren’t people are always running on those posters?)

And as much as I love a good motivational quote, I’m going to call bullshit on this one.

Not only for the obvious reason that perfection isn’t achievable for a regular old human being like me or you, but because it’s also patently untrue.

It is possible to practice the wrong things.

A more accurate quote is this:

Practice makes permanent.

In today’s video, we’re diving into step 3 of the Process to Making Changes that Last and this one is all about taking action.

Step 3: Get to Work

The reason this step is so crucial to making changes is that it moves us from thinking to doing.

Analysis paralysis is the syndrome that occurs when we’re too afraid to take action so instead, we convince ourselves of one or more of the following:

  • I’m not quite ready

  • I need more information

  • I want to make sure I’ve done my due diligence so I need to research more

  • There’s a “magic bullet” idea out there to help me accomplish this; I just need to find it

Oh I see you there. You procrastinator, you.

You keep telling yourself these things because they sound kind of smart. Like you’re being cautious. Sensible, even.

All you’re really doing is delaying the thing that has to happen in order for any change to occur: you must act.

For full details on the common challenges you’ll face during this step of the process and of course, the big ol’ feelings that are bound to be there, too, watch the video below.

Think back to a time when you suffered from analysis paralysis? What small step could you have taken? What can you start right now? As always, the best convos happen over in our closed Facebook group, so CLICK HERE to join us and tell us where you're at with this!


Getting Feedback: Step 4 of the Process to Making Changes that Stick


Avoid "Information Overload" with The Process to Making Change That Lasts—Step 2: Get Knowledge